Bringing Precision To Conversations™

TheNaviGuide™ Performance Improvement Tool

Expedite The Exchange of Information. Enable Buyers To Make Decisions.

The NaviGuide™ Is Used To Facilitate All Stages of A Sales Conversation Including:

  • Opening The Sales Conversation in a manner that builds instant credibility with the buyer without wasting time on a capability’s presentation.
  • Needs Investigation in a manner that enables the seller to listen and the buyer to articulate their situation, prioritize problems, define impact of the problem, and establish financial and non-financial reasons to solve their problem.
  • Demonstrating and explaining product and service features, benefits and functionality without over talking.

  • Making Competitor Comparisons including features and functions, productivity, risk and cost analyses. 

  • Calculating Pricing and Presenting Proposals  to buyers “live-time” during the sales conversation.

  • Handling Objections without losing control of the sales conversation.

  • Closing the conversation in a way that cements the deal while taking the first steps to up-sell and cross-sell.


Why Use TheNaviGuide™

TheNaviGuide™ enables complex information to be:

  1. Shared without lengthy, repeated or unnecessary explanation.
  2. Learned without wasting time to read, interpret and memorize it.
  3. Understood without confusion, misinterpretation or need for clarification.
  4. Applied instantly, accurately and consistently from person-to-person.
  5. Accessed without wasting time to search for it.
  6. Updated without sending emails for people to read and memorize or scheduling webinars or meetings.

What Impact Does TheNaviGuide™ Have?

Before Sales Conversations by:
  1. Shortening training time for new salespeople i.e. from months to days
  2. Reducing distractions from new salespeople asking questions as they learn the offering, applications, and pricing model
  3. Providing more detailed training on the nuances of products and services
  4. Shortening sales call preparation time…so salespeople can make more sales calls
  5. Producing higher quality and more uniform sales presentations without wasted time by salespeople and staff
During Sales Conversations by:
  1. Shortening the time needed to prioritize buyer needs, qualify them, demonstrate solutions and present proposals
  2. Reducing the length and number of sales calls required to reach an agreement
  3. Providing more appropriate and accurate explanations, i.e. giving the right explanation at the right time
  4. Holding more conversations that result in sales
  5. Experiencing less confusion and fewer expressions of unproductive negative emotions during sales calls
After Sales Conversations by:
  1. Shortening the time needed for follow-up activities
  2. Recording sales call history notes and outcomes more accurately
  3. Generating a greater number of creative ideas for sales call process improvement
  4. Improving the sharing of sales call best practices