Services For Deploying TheNaviGuide™
We Make It Easy For You To Deploy TheNaviGuide™
Food For Thought When Deploying TheNaviGuide™
To keep from distracting your top performing salespeople, we recommend a low key pilot of TheNaviGuide™. We encourage you not to make announcements or proclamations. Less is more. It’s important to keep salespeople focus on results.
We also recommend that involving a high potential future sales manager or business leader in the development of the rapid prototype and pilot. They need to be inquisitive and motivated to beat your tops performers.
Once the pilot is complete and TheNaviGuide™ is working we recommend that use of this tool be voluntary except for:
- New salespeople – – because it will speed their learning curve and make them top performers
- Salespeople on performance improvement plans – – because it will increase the odds of their success.
The ultimate goal of TheNaviGuide™ is to shift your sales performance bell curve by equipping your average and below average performers to become top performers!